Percepção auditiva, Percepção de fala, Voz, Qualidade de vozAbstract
This article delves into the use of two vocal analysis protocols, VPAS and Simplified VPAS, in speaker comparison, particularly in forensic contexts. In Brazil, criminal experts in forensic phonetics are trained to use a combined method of perceptual and acoustic analyses. The study focuses on the applicability of the VPAS script for speaker identification based on the Phonetic Model of Vocal Quality Description and compares this method with a simplified version. The study used speech samples from 10 individuals and applied phonatory settings both scripts. The results revealed challenges in simplifying the VPAS, as reducing adjustments and lacking grading made it difficult to distinguish between distinct vocal characteristics. Furthermore, some simplifications disregarded common adjustments in clinical practice. The authors conclude that the Simplified VPAS may compromise accuracy in speaker identification since the lack of detail and grading limits the distinction between different vocal traits. They emphasize the importance of considering vocal quality's diversity and complexity when simplifying analysis protocols for forensic application.
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