Constitutionalism, Democracy, Judicial ReviewAbstract
Nowadays, there is a need to highlight the legitimacy of unelected judges to review the political provisions taken in fields representing the popular desire of the people. At this juncture, the problem addressed here synthesizes a political conflict between the judicial courts and the legislative fields that are present in a democratic society like the Brazilian one. Therefore, with a view to analyze the elementary environment of neoconstitutionalism, as well as its plausible appearance in contemporary times, the present study aims to review the current legitimate perspectives of the Judicial Review in view of the current democratic constitutionalism. As a justification for the development of this study, it is observed that there are different points of view about the probability, as well as the validity of the constitutional courts to withdraw norms from the legal system. Therefore, we see an opportunity to deal with analyses that address a possible conflict between law and politics in today's constitutionalism. This research is of a qualitative nature, exploratory-descriptive, using methodological bibliographic review. It was concluded that the judicial review, one of the major points of discussion in the North American constitutional theory of the second half of the 20th century, supported by the theses of democratic and proceduralist constitutionalism, strengthens democratic values from neoconstitutionalism, consolidating and enforcing rights basic.
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