Why does Brazil participate in UNIFIL?
Lebanon, Peacekeeping Operation, Internacional Security, UNIFIL.Abstract
Abstract: This article deals with the theme of Brazil and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). We sought to answer the following question: Why does Brazil participate in UNIFIL? To this end, a historical approach to Lebanon will be provided, involving Israeli interventions and UN resolutions, which culminated in the creation of the Interim Force. The functioning of UNIFIL and the performance of Brazil will also be explained. Using documentary research, notably the Constitution and the UN Charter, the legal reasons that justify the Brazilian involvement will be addressed. Making use of bibliographical research and analytical and critical interpretation, the reasons of a strategic scope, related to the country's international projection, will be presented. By cataloging these reasons and using a deductive method, the conclusions of the analysis will be presented, answering the problem initially exposed. When cataloging these reasons and using a deductive method, the conclusions of the analysis will be presented, answering the problem initially exposed.
Keywords: Lebanon, Peacekeeping Operation, Internacional Security, UNIFIL.
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