International Cooperation
World Health Organization role in tackling the COVID-19
International Cooperation, World Health Organization, Coronavirus (COVID-19)Abstract
The subject of this investigation is international cooperation and the role of intergovernmental organizations in health emergencies, emphasizing the role of the World Health Organization in overcoming the new coronavirus. It is worth mentioning that humanity is going through a global crisis without historical precedents, which demands the joining of efforts of the international community. Thus, “International Cooperation: World Health Organization Role in Tackling the COVID-19” aims to analyze the role of this agency in the face of the pandemic that has already claimed millions of lives, identifying the reflection of the crisis in its institutional relations. To this end, the investigation used the qualitative method, considering the doctrine and practical studies related to the matter. Thus, without intending to exhaust the topic, the investigation contributes to a better understanding of the importance of the concepts of international diplomacy and global health governance in dealing with epidemiological outbreaks, such as the disease COVID-19.
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